150 Views of Hillsdale

2019 marked the 150th year since Hillsdale became a chartered city in the State of Michigan.

I celebrated this milestone by photographing 150 different views of Hillsdale using vintage cameras, black and white film and traditional darkroom printmaking techniques.  My photographs feature a mixture of prominent historic sites as well as lesser known views that contribute to the visual charm of the city.

Many of the photographs for this project were taken with with a Russian stereoscopic camera called the Sputnik.

Stereoscopic cameras take two images at the same time from slightly different prespectives.  When the two images are viewed together with special lenses, the illusion of a single 3-D image appears.

Anaglyph (one cyan and one magenta images layered into one) prints from this project can be viewed in 3-D  at Rough Draft, 42 Union Street, Hillsdale.

Notecards and framed prints are available for purchase.  Contact me at pam@analoguedragon.com for more information.